“Six months in Susanne’s mastermind group in her living room with seven amazing people has changed my outlook on life, and has forever changed life itself. I was a young 24-year-old man, who was the owner of my own organic business. I was filled with frustrations, low energy, lack of confidence and balance. A presentation by Susanne about the brain, quantum physics, epigenetics and the passion test set the framework for our common journey.
With words I can hardly describe the atmosphere and energy that we created together. The best way is probably to think about our “round-the-living-room,” that we always completed before the month’s presentation by Susanne.
It gave an insight into each other’s “WINS”. No one could in their wildest dreams could grasp the quantum leaps that the participants took, and it was quite common to say, “Well, let’s hear how your world has turned upside down – in a good way.” Most of all I’ve now got complete trust in life, in me, balance in life and experience a high level of energy and synchronicity.
All this is a result of Susanne’s presentations and coaching, the group’s energy, and the tuning into my own inner compass. I am deeply grateful to have spent so many hours in Susanne’s living room. Without doubt the best gift I have ever received. My greatest and warmest recommendation goes out to all leaders & individuals who feel resistance, stress, imbalance, frustration, illness or simply want to lead others in a purpose driven fashion bringing out the best in others. That is what Susanne can – help you to understand your life’s full potential, and guide you towards living it. ”
Tobias Rank – former owner and CEO